Religious Speech Belongs on Campus
About Us
The Free Exercise Coalition is a student founded and run 501(c)(3) organization concerned with the religious freedoms of higher education students.
Too often, students hide their religious beliefs in the closet. It is becoming ever more counter-cultural to express them, and classrooms and cohorts have become less and less tolerant of such beliefs. However, that is why we have religious liberties, recognized and protected by the Constitution. Religious liberty is only truly tested when these worldviews are unpopular, when they fail to include all opinions and instead posit a transcendent truth inextricably related to the dictates of morality.
We are a religious organization, governed by like-minded Believers, valuing the free exercise of religion to students of faith.
Our charter is to educate and inform students of their rights, to build back the space of religious expression in higher education, and to offer student-members opportunities to support religious liberty and their fellow classmates.
How We Can Help You
-Donor-funded scholarship program, coming soon!
-Religious Expression and Accommodation at Your University
If you are struggling with communicating with professors or faculty about religious accommodations, contact us, we can help.
Call To Action
The Free Exercise Coalition is happy to announce that the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law has chosen to affiliate our student organization. A special thank you to the First Liberty Institute for defending our rights to exist on campus. There is room for religious beliefs on campus, and we are passionate to continue our legal education while remaining true to our deeply held religious beliefs.
The Free Exercise Coalition is positioned to equip religious students in their free exercise of religion, both on and off campus. The organization is an open member coalition of religious students and their allies, all with a passion to see America’s foundational religious freedoms be restored and respected. Through scholarship, service and education, coalition members will have the opportunity to support religious liberty causes on their campus and in their communities.
In believing and subscribing to the traditional Judeo-Christian values of our founding:
I believe in the fundamental rights of religious persons to practice their religion, freely and without government intervention and hindrances.
I believe that the Constitution of the United States recognized and enumerated these fundamental rights of the free exercise of religion.
I believe that religious persons may have sincere and religious personal convictions that are unique to that person.
I believe that Judeo-Christian morality is incompatible with the killing of babies in the womb, and that the unborn has the intrinsic and legal right to life.
I believe that the sacred Judeo-Christian tradition of marriage is incompatible with same-sex marriage.
I believe that the Judeo-Christian belief system is incompatible with Transgender Ideology, and that a person is either born male or born female according to the Divine’s decree.

Future Resources and Events To Come
Sign up for our email list here to get the 2023 Schedule
Make a donation.
If you feel led, we are now accepting donations to be used solely for the Free Exercise Coalition’s religious liberty initiatives. The Free Exercise Coalition Inc. is a Wisconsin Nonprofit Corporation.

Interested in Starting a Chapter at your Law School?
If you have questions or want to inquire, reach out to us.